Storm Season is already here and it could be nasty. It is too late to prepare once a storm has arrived.
Here are 5 things you must do to prepare:
1): Check your insurance: Check your home and car insurance is current and suitable.
2): Prepare a Plan: Identify the safest room (usually the smallest with least windows), where to evacuate to, have emergency numbers handy (SES, Fire, Police, Ambulance, Hospital), know your neighbors.
3): Prepare your Home
a) Fix broken tiles, eaves, and roofing screws, make sure gutters and downpipes are clear, trim trees and remove debris and items that might become airborne and dangerous in high winds.
b) If there is a risk of flooding, store chemicals, and items damaged by water away from the flood-prone area. Ensure electrical outlets and items are not live.
c) Have plenty of water, non-perishable food, and masking tape for windows.
d) Know how to disconnect power and gas.
e) Consider an inspection from a builder.
4): Prepare your Emergency Kit: Make sure all items are functioning. Consider including Comprehensive First Aid Kit, Torch, Lantern, Batteries, Waterproof Jacket, Gloves, Boots, Toilet Paper, Toothpaste, Toothbrush, Knife, Tools, Whistle, Camping Stove, Change of Clothes, Radio (battery operated), Mobile Phone with charger.
5): Prepare Yourself: Learn First Aid or ensure your skills are up to date.
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Learn more about our Storm First Aid Kit