The eyes are an amazing pair of organs that grant us the miracle of sight, yet they are so delicate and prone to injury.
Consider the impact that a loss or impairment of vision would have (or has had) on your life!
Then consider how valuable it is that you are prepared to respond with effective first aid treatment for eye injuries to minimize the potential of prolonged or permanent injury.
Common signs & symptoms of eye injuries
➔ bloodshot eye or surrounding bleeding
➔ eye pain or urge to rub
➔ single weeping eye
➔ embedded object
➔ blindness or blurred vision
➔ bruising (black eye)
First aid steps for eye injuries
NOTE: Always rest and reassure the person first and do not allow them to rub the eye. Do not attempt to remove contact lenses.
Small Foreign Body (dirt, sand, sawdust etc.)
If on white of the eye only – encourage them to blink to try to flush the eye or wipe gently across the eye with a wet cloth or tissue, from the inside to the outside corner.