Reading Time: 2 minutes
26 November 2021
First Aid Tips: Dehydration

First Aid Tips: Dehydration

Reading Time: 2 minutes Dehydration: Dehydration occurs when you do not have enough fluids in your body. If severe, dehydration can cause serious problems. When dehydrated you lose electrolytes, such as salt and potassium, […]
26 October 2021
First Aid Tip: Treat Burns and Scalds

First Aid Tip: Treat Burns and Scalds

Reading Time: 4 minutes In Australia, there are approximately 50,000 burn-related hospital admissions each year. Ensure you are prepared for burn and scald injuries while cooking at home, barbequing, or […]
1 October 2021
First Aid Tip: How to Provide CPR for Children

First Aid Tip: How to Provide CPR for Children

Reading Time: 3 minutes WHAT IS CPR? Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) is a First Aid technique that is used to recover someone who is unresponsive and not breathing or properly breathing. Anyone […]